Kai truputį daugiau nei prieš metus JAV buvo paskelbtas 700 mlrd. dolerių dydžio ekonomikos gelbėjimo planas TARP, pagalvojau, kad 700 mlrd. yra didžiausias apvalus skaičius, kuris kalboje nesiapvalina iki trilijono. Pasirodo, buvau teisus. TARP vadas Kashkari prisipažino:
"Seven hundred billion was a number out of the air," Kashkari recalls, wheeling toward the hex nuts and the bolts. "It was a political calculus. I said, 'We don't know how much is enough. We need as much as we can get [from Congress]. What about a trillion?' 'No way,' Hank shook his head. I said, 'Okay, what about 700 billion?' We didn't know if it would work. We had to project confidence, hold up the world. We couldn't admit how scared we were, or how uncertain."
Daugiau apie krizės pradžią: Istorinė klaida.
Čia: krizės grafikas.
From the comments, on moving to the suburbs
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