Ben Goldacre knyga "Bad Science" labai smagiai rašo apie visokį pseudomokslą ir šarlatanizmą, pavyzdžiui detox spa voneles kojoms. Šarlatanai įsiveisė ne tik į spa centrus, bet ir į Anglijos švietimo sistemą. Anglijoje mokytojams pravedinėjami Brain Gym kursai, kuriuose išaiškinama, kad prieš protinį darbą reikia išgerti stiklinę vandens, nes vanduo tiesiai patenka iš burnos į smegenis. Kursuose taip pat mokoma kaip sunerti pirštus, kad susijungtų kūne esančios elektros grandinės ir tai padėtų dėmesio koncentracijai. Laimei kai kurie moksleiviai nepasiduoda mokytojų sekamoms pasakoms. Štai moksleivis Anton knygos autoriui atsiuntė tokio turinio laišką:
"I'd like to submit to Bad Science my teacher who gave us a handout which says that 'Water is best absorbed by the body when provided in frequent small amounts.' What I want to know is this. If I drink too much in one go, will it leak out of my arsehole instead?"
Ben Goldacre savo knygoje taip pat meistriškai paneigia dietologės Dr. Gillian McKeith rekomendacijas valgyti kuo daugiau špinatų, nes špinatai turi daug chlorofilo, todėl juos valgant pagerėja organizmo aprūpinimas deguonimi:
"Is chlorophyll "high in oxygen"? No. It helps to make oxygen. In sunlight. And it's pretty dark in your bowels: in fact, if there's any light in there at all then something's gone badly wrong. So any chlorophyll you eat will not create oxygen, and even if it did, even if Dr Gillian McKeith PhD stuck a searchlight right up your bum to prove her point, and your salad began photosynthesising, even if she insufflated your guts with carbon dioxide through a tube, to give the chloroplasts something to work with, and by some miracle you really did start to produce oxygen in there, you still wouldn't absorb a significant amount of it through your bowel, because your bowel is adapted to absorb food, while your lungs are optimised to absorb oxygen. You do not have gills in your bowels. Neither, since we've mentioned them, do fish. And while we're talking about it, you probably don't want oxygen inside your abdomen anyway: in keyhole surgery, surgeons have to inflate your abdomen to help them see what they're doing, but they don't use oxygen, because there's methane fart gas in there too, and we don't want anyone catching fire on the inside. There is no oxygen in your bowel."
Apocalypse Now: Literally
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